Happy Cyber Monday

Monday, November 26, 2012
Since I'm not the brave sort to get out into the crowds on Black Friday, I adore a good Cyber Monday.  A couple of my books are for sale today on AllRomance Ebooks and my publisher's website. But I didn't see any for sale on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.  I know, depressing, huh?

Anyway, I had a good Thanksgiving, saw some family...and then some more family. And a couple more family members. Some of us many family members saw the last Twilight movie together, and we were totally taken in by the trick scene.  We bought it hook, line, and sinker! But someone (the lying meanies) had told us that the movie wasn't like the book. So when all these crazy things started happening, we totally flipped out, buying it all. 

Does it ever upset you when the movie strays from the book?  I'm still all "why did the Weasley's house have to burn down?" from the Harry Potter movies. Though sometimes, I do like how movies put a new twist on it that's better than the book.

Last night, my hubby was wrestling around with the two-year-old. She accidentally scratched him in the eye.  Yes, IN THE EYE!  He's still in pain this morning. So, we may be taking him to the doctor to make sure he didn't hurt his cornea or anything like that.  Though, if he ended up with an eye-patch, I have to say, that might be sexy.  I've had a major thing for pirates since they introduced Hook to the TV show, Once Upon a Time (and I didn't get to see last night's episode yet, so don't tell me what happened!). But isn't he the yummiest looking pirate you ever saw?  Meow!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I really don't have much to say today.  So that's all I have to ramble about.  How was your Thanksgiving and Black Friday? 

1 comment:

  1. Thanksgiving here was awesome. I did NOT shop on Friday! Hope your husband's eye is OK. But an eye patch for a day or two could be very romantic :)
