This is going to be a guess-who day!!
So....guess who finished writing her latest book? Me!! I did! The rough draft for Book Two in my Granton University series is complete. Whew! That one seemed to take forever to get through. It's almost 95,000 words long, though, so maybe that had something to do with the timeframe!
I'm calling it Loving Lies at the moment, but who know what the title will really end up being. When I was calling the first book Cry, I had this one titled as Ache, but then Cry changed over to Fighting Fate, so I decided Ache probably wouldn't fit either, ergo...Loving Lies it became.
Anyway, now it's time to start picking on all my reader friends to see if anyone is interested in beta reading and telling me what I need to fix and change or, you know, telling me if there's anything likable about it! So if anyone doesn't mind a few (hundred) typos and a really rough draft, let me know, and I'd love your take on the story.
And guess what else! Guess who FINALLY got new shoes. Me!! I did! But, of course, Lydia decided she needed new shoes too since Mama was getting new shoes, so we got a couple pair of new shoes the other week.
Mine are the purple and black pair. Hers are the pink and black pair...if you couldn't tell!
And guess who's falling in love with the TV series, ARROW? Me! I am! But holy crap, it's just so...yeah. My sister and niece kept telling me I needed to see it on Netflix, so I finally watched the pilot episode, and wow. It's like a modern day Robin Hood, and the main guy is so amazing. He's got the damaged, broken character going on perfectly. Looks like he could break into tears any second. I just want to hug him, like, ninety percent of the time. But then he gets into these fight scenes, and when the bad ass comes out in him, he's even sexier. **low, appreciative whistle** Lots of angst, and backstory, and drama. It's definitely my type of show! Only problem: Miss Lydia hates it. Little too violent and dark for her taste, so ho-hum, we usually end up watching The Ultimate Spiderman together.
So that's just a little of what's been up with me! What's been up with you?
Congrats on the shoes! Love Lydia's princess ones. I'll have to check out Arrow.