Just Another Monday

Monday, October 29, 2012
After being inside nearly all weekend with my kiddo, and the husband occasionally popping in and out with a couple of his friends dropping by while he was around, I was actually ready to come to work this morning, just to have a change of scenery.  It made me realize...I don't get out much. Hmm.  That's depressing.

But I did get some books read this weekend while my two-year-old was recuperating from her cold. It's been so long since I got to read, it was nice, though I had to steal the iPad while the kid wasn't looking to sneak in my reading time.

After that, there's not a whole of of excitement to share. 

Oh, except I got a nice review for The Color of Grace over on the blogs, Book Nerds Across America and LovLivLife Reviews. But to counter-balance them, I got a not-so-glowing one on Goodreads.

Oh, and the contest finalists for the 2013 Epic Awards have been announced. My buddy Miranda is a finalist for her romantic suspense, Framed as a Killer, but I didn't know any other finalists, just recognized a few names.

So, yeah, not lots going on with me. Reading, writing, working, spending time with the family.  What's up with you?


  1. LOL - I don't get out much either :)

    Glad Lydia is better and boo-hiss on the yukky review.

  2. Same here Linda. I've been sorta puny and so nothing much to do except stay home. Really can't focus to read for very long but I am feeling better. : ) Framed as a Killer sounds fascinating! Yay! Oh, and I've heard not to hold much store in some of the reviews on Goodreads.
