She's Growing Up! Sniff-Sniff

Friday, May 10, 2013

This is a picture of my big girl on the phone this past Saturday, calling grandparents and aunts and uncles to make her big announcement.

"Guess what?" she started pretty much every conversation. "I pooped in the potty!"

The hubby and I feel like we've won a war. After an hour and a half of arguing, begging, promising, and scaring our poor child, she finally accomplished it. And she's done it every day since. She received a new bicycle and helmet that day for her trouble, and now she can go the pre-school in the fall! I am just so proud of her. For us, this is a major accomplishment because she's been resisting it for months.

Next goal: Getting rid of night time diapers. Blech...

I don't have anything quite so newsworthy in the writing department, but I am learning how to format books. That's kinda cool, right? I have CreateSpace print format, Smashwords, and I think Kindle down. Now I have to wait until July when I upload them to see if I actually did it right!!

It's also been a decent-sized week in editing for me. My editor (lots of love to Laura Josephsen!! woot-woot) for Price of a Kiss is half way through that manuscript. I've been hearing good progress reports back from her. It's getting me excited all over again for this book!

And my first-round Omnific Publishing editor for Cry completed her edits this week. I think I did my biggest re-writes (after selling a story) for this woman. When I submitted this manuscript to the company, it was 85,000 words long. Yesterday, I turned it back in at 93,000 words. It was challenging, kind of intimidating, but in the end, completely exhilarating. And now I'm really excited about this story too, though fingers crossed that she actually liked what I did!

And to bid you a happy weekend, I'll share a line from Price of a Kiss that sort of reminded me of this picture I saw on Facebook yesterday.  Take care!!

"He laughed. Yes, the b@#*!d laughed as if spider murder was some kind of joke. He had no idea just how much peril his life was in for laughing at me. Honestly, have you ever been so freaked-out scared that you could bawl and commit murder in the same breath because someone thought your fear was funny? Well, I had jumped off the high dive and was swimming in a whole vat of that kind of crazy."


  1. Congrats to Lydia!
    And to Mom and Dad, too.

    And to Writer Linda for completing all those edits!
